The Road to Sweetness...

A tale of two sissies and their journey to open the Skinnie Minnie Bakeshop.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Trials Come to Ossining, NY

So I must admit, I thought I'd just start up this blog, light a little fire under my sister's ass and POOF!--we'd have a bakery. Things haven't exactly worked out that way.

Unfortunately, we still have day jobs (Nicole will in fact be starting a new one next week! Round of applause...) And I still have a mouth to feed besides my own:

So alas, we cannot fully commit ourselves to our cuppie goals completely just yet. But we're workin' on it.

This week, trials actually came to Ossining, NY! Which I was particularly excited about because it meant I didn't have to cross any bridges for one day. So despite a disgruntled clean-freak of a boyfriend who was having heart palpitations at the thought of my sister and I taking over the kitchen, we took over my tiny attic apartment to continue working on carrot and chocolate. Here he is below in the living room trying to sleep his way through it:

Even with the angled ceilings, and our stealth maneuvering, we were able to get through one more round of each (carrot and chocolate). And they only keep getting tastier and tastier! It's been reported that Sebby and Barbara (dad and mom) thought this was the best round yet after taste-testing when Nicole returned to New Jersey later that night (after some Ossining Pizza AND The Hangover).

Who let the dogs out!!???

Nicole trekked all the way here with her bags of supplies which ended up spread out all over our tiny kitchen. We both felt like we definitely worked much faster yesterday than we had in the past for some reason.

She looks like she's singing in this one.
This one's just funny.
Now she's dancin'.

One problem we had that I'd like to throw out to you all is that for some reason our tops are flattening out and not fluffing and puffing out. Any suggestions? See our Frank Lloyd Wright chocolate cuppie below to see what I mean.

Waiting for brother-in-law Jimmy to give us a Godaddy lesson so we can set up our Website and apply for our trademark! And I will be taking the first ICE class on May 15. Can't wait!



  1. try baking power to help them rise

  2. Been waiting for more info, and liked what I saw. You two are the greatest and I think you both have my pioneer spirit, Mom
